S-100β: possibile marker prognostico e possibile predittore nel determinare la gravità dell’intossicazione da monossido di carbonio e del rischio di sviluppare danni neurologici a distanza in grado di guidare la prescrizione di OSSIGENO TERAPIA IPERBARICA


Nell’ambito delle intossicazioni da monossido di carbonio la letteratura scientifica da sempre si sta sforzando nel ricercare indici clinici, laboratoristici e di imaging che correlino con la gravità e con la prognosi e che aiutino nella scelta delle terapie da effettuare.

Questo studio individua un possibile marcatore sierico, S-100β, già studiato in altri lavori e che ha già mostrato possibile correlazione con gravità e come possibile predittore nello sviluppo dei danni neurologici a distanza nei soggetti andati incontro ad intossicazione da monossido di carbonio.


Hum Exp Toxicol. 2019 Dec 30:960327119897104. doi: 10.1177/0960327119897104. 

S-100β in predicting the need of hyperbaric oxygen in CO-induced delayed neurological sequels.

Hafez AS1El-Sarnagawy GN1.


Delayed neurological sequels (DNS) have been described after carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. There is a need to find a new prognostic marker to guide the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy.


To evaluate serum S-100β level in patients presenting with acute CO poisoning as an indicator of poisoning severity and predictor of DNS occurrence and HBO need in those patients.


This prospective cohort study included patients with acute CO poisoning. On admission, carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and S-100β levels were measured. Patients were followed up for 6 months for signs of DNS.


Out of 50 patients, 6 only developed DNS. The mean of S-100β levels was significantly higher in patients with severe poisoning and those with DNS. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that S-100β had an area under the curve 0. 871; at a cutoff value ≥ 0.67 µg/L, its sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 77.3%, respectively. The sensitivity of S-100β was significantly higher than that of COHb, while its specificity and overall accuracy were significantly higher than those of HBO criteria.


Serum S-100β level on admission could be a marker of poisoning severity and a predictor of CO-induced DNS development that guides the use of HBO therapy.
